Pathfinder Epsilon – Heath Nevels
Hello Old Boys! I am excited to be a part of this network because I want to change the course of the Kemper Old Boy legacy. We are truly a finite group of individuals.
My fondest memory of Kemper was in the Fall of 1990 when I first arrived and found myself wandering around the foyer and halls of the old administration building. I was looking at all the photos hanging on the walls of Kemper Old Boys who came before me and thinking to myself, what an honor to become a part of something so rich in history. I knew that my “Kemper” experience would leave an impression on me and who I was to become forever.
Since my formative time at Kemper, I went on to complete my bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Texas A&M University, in College Station, Texas. I have been working in the Oil and Gas industry within the Energy Sector for over 20 years now. I spent the majority of my career as a Research and Development Scientist for Shell Oil Company coming up with clever and innovative ways to extract difficult hydrocarbons from the ground and provide energy to the World. I have had the privilege of living and working in places all over the World including the Middle East, Russia, and Malaysia experiencing and learning a multitude of different cultures and walks of life. My wife of 16 years, Melanie and I have a daughter, Jolie, who is currently 14 years old going on 24. She has certainly been by far our greatest accomplishment and certainly our greatest challenge…but in a good way.
My mantra is simple treat others as you want to be treated… be respectful. I look forward to re-connecting and networking with my fellow Old Boys through this exciting network we are building!
I AM a Kemper Old Boy!
Posted By , 11 Oct 2019