Jerry L. Knight – Uvalde Leader-News

Jerry L. Knight – Uvalde Leader-News

Jerry L. Knight  Uvalde Leader-News

Jerry Lee Knight, 79, of Rio Frio, died on Nov. 3, 2021, at his son’s residence in Houston with family members gathered by his bedside. He was born on April 1, 1942, in Bay City to Gladyce (White) and Vaughn Alden Knight. According to the family, he was never far from his father’s side. While a youth, he spent time catching horned toads in the long shadows of a west Texas drilling rig, rebuilding an old hot rod, and fishing into the night at the family fishing camp at the mouth of the Brazoria River. He absorbed lessons bestowed by his father, and applied them across the decades of his life, including in the buildings he built, crops he planted, livestock he grazed, dogs he trained, the people he cherished, chances he took, and the friendships he made along the way. He moved with his family to various oil patches, including one in Jennings, Louisiana, where he attended first grade. Soon, his family returned to West Texas, where he continued his elementary education. He then attended Kemper Military Academy in Boonville, Missouri, before returning to the Houston area and graduating from Lamar High School.

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